skeptic|skeptics in English


[skep·tic || 'skeptɪk]

one who doubts, one who question the validity of claims; adherent of a school of skepticism

Use "skeptic|skeptics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "skeptic|skeptics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "skeptic|skeptics", or refer to the context using the word "skeptic|skeptics" in the English Dictionary.

1. One such skeptic, Patrick J.

2. Gregory Fluhrer is the creator and voice of Armoured Skeptic

3. Skeptics scoff at the idea.

4. Are the claims of skeptics justified?

5. Skeptic after skeptic made the mistake of underrating Steve Jobs, and Mr. Isaacson records the howlers who misjudged an unrivaled career.

6. The social network for atheists, Agnostics & skeptics.

7. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.

8. 24 Events since the elections have proved the skeptics right.

9. Of course, Wellesley College graduates are exceptional women, the skeptic will say.

10. And modern-day skeptics are usually biased against Bible prophecy.

11. Is God Cruel? Many skeptics and atheists claim God is Cruel

12. 18 Some skeptics might ask: ‘How could such a thing happen?

13. This is Bigfooting, where believers marvel, skeptics dissect, and cynics snicker

14. Aviation journalist and UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass found "discrepancies" in Hickson's story.

15. Skeptics point out that only a small percentage of greenhouse gas emissions are man-made.

16. Even hardened skeptics must admit that Jesus was a real, historical person.

17. 17 Knee-jerk rejection of new ideas is not how skeptics work.

18. How am I going to convince this skeptic that she should attention to my research?

19. The Contemplative Skeptic is a journey into the nexus of doubt, wisdom, and healthy Contemplative practice

20. He is a perspicacious skeptic who makes no claim to be able to explain the world.

21. Of course, some skeptics disagree, asserting that facts and statistics are subjective and can be manipulated.

22. The difference between Global Warming Alarmists and Global Warming skeptics is a psychological difference

23. is a non-profit community for atheists, Agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, skeptics and others!

24. Crypto social network BitClout Arrives with a bevy of high-profile investors — and skeptics

25. For $5 or more your name will be displayed in the end-credits of every Armoured Skeptic